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On this page you will find everyday phrases. If you have any additional phrases or have any corrections please contact me.
When going to the mosque:- Allahommaj al fi qalbi noora wafi basari noora. wafi sam i noora. wa an yasari noora. wafaoqi noora. watahti noora wa'amami noora. wakhalfi noora. waj al li noora. O Allah! grant me the light in my heart,light in my sight,light in my hearing,light in to right,light to my left,light above me,light underneath me,light before me,light behind me and grant me light.
When entering the mosque:- Bismillah. allahomma salli alamuhammad allahomaftah li abwaba rahmatik.
In the name of allah. O Allah! bless Muhammad O Allah! open your gates of mercy for me.
When waking up:-Alhamdu lillah il lathi ahyana ba dama amatana wa ilayhin nushur.
Praise be to Allah who gave us life after death and unto Him will be the return.
When doing wudhu:- Allahommagh firli thanbi wawassi li fi dari wabarik li fi rizqi.
O Allah! forgive my sins and expand (bless) my home,and bless my livelihood.
After completing wudhu:- Ash hado alla ilaha illal lah. wahdaho la sharika lah. wa ashhado anna muhammadan abduhu warasuluh. allahommaj alni minat tawwabin. waj alni minal mutatahhirin.
I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah. He is alone. He has no partner and i bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and messenger. O Allah! make me of those who are repentant and of those who purify themselves.
Entering the bathroom:- Allahomma inni a ootho bika minal khubuthi wal khaba'ith.
O Allah! I seek refuge in you from male and female devils.
Exiting the bathroom:- Ghufranak
I seek your forgivness (O Allah).
When entering the house:- Allahomma inni as'aloka khayral maolij. Wakhayral makhraj. Bismillahi walajna wabismillahi kharajna wa alal lahi rabbina tawakkalna. O Allah! I ask you (to grant me) the best entering and the best exit. In the name of Allah we entered and in the name of Allah we left and upon Allah, our lord we depend.
When leaving the house:- Bismillahi tawakkaltu alal lah. la haola wala qowwata illa billah.
In the name of Allah. I depend on Allah. There is no ability or power (for us) except by the leave of Allah.
When azaan is complete:- Allahomma rabba hathihid da watit tammah. wassalatil qa'imah. ati muhammadan il wasilata wal fadilata. wab atho maqaman mahmudan il lathis wa adtah.
O Allah! Lord of this perfect call and the salah to be offered,grant muhammad the privilege (of interceding) and also the eminence and resurrect him to the praised position You have promised.
When leaving the mosque:- Allahomma inni as'aloka min fadlik.
O Allah! I beg you your bounty.
Begining of meal:- Allahomma barik lana fima razaqtana waqina athaban nar. Bismillah.
O Allah! Bless (the food) You provide us and save us from the punishment of the hellfire. In the name of Allah.
End of meal:- Alhamdu lillah il lathi at amana wasaqana waja alana muslimin.
Praise be to allah who has fed us and given us drink and made us muslims.
Before going to sleep:- Bismika rabbi wada to janbi wabika arfa oh. Fa'in amsakta nafsi faghfir laha. Wa arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfazo bihi ibadakas salihin.
In your name, O lord, I lay my side(to sleep) and by (your leave) I raise it up. So if you take away my soul (during sleep) forgive it and if you send it back (after sleep) protect it even as you protect your pious servants.
When faced with hardship:- Allahommala sahla illa ma ja altaho shala wa'ntataj alol hazna itha shi'ta sahla.
O Allah! There is nothing easy except what you make easy and you make the difficult easy if it be your will.