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This pages contains the first few surah's with their respective english translations.

  Al Fatihah (The Opening)
Al hamdullilahil rabil alameen
ar rahmanir rahim
mal-e-kyawm uddin
iya kana budhu wa
iya kanastha een
ihidhina sira thal musthakeem
sira thal la zina an amtha ally heem
ghyril mag dhubi ally heem
walladh dhu'a leen

All praises and thanks are to Allah, the lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exist).
The most gracious, the most merciful. The only owner (and the only ruling judge) of the day of recompense (i.e the day of ressurection).
You (alone) we worship, and you alone we ask for help (for everything). Guide us the straight way. The way of those whom you have bestowed your grace, not the way of those who earned your anger, nor of those who went astray.

  An-nas (Mankind)
Kul-ou zubi rabinnas
minsharil wass wassil khanass
ullah zi you was we su fi sudhu rinnas
minal jinna thi wannas

Say "I seek refuge with (Allah) the lord of mankind.
The king of mankind, the illah (god) of mankind, from the evil of the whisperer(devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws (from his whispering in ones heart after one remembers Allah).
Who whispers in the breast of mankind,of jinn and men".

  Al falaq (The day break)
Kul-ou zubi rabil falaq
min sharri ma kalaq
wa min sharri gha sikin iza wakab
wa min sharri unnaffa sa thi fil ukadh
wa min sharri ha siddhin iza hasadh

Say "I seek refuge with (Allah), the lord of the day break, from the evil what he has created and from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes with its darkness; (or the moon as it sets or goes away), and from the evil of those who practice witchcraft when they blow in the knots and from the evil of the envier when he envies".